Sunday 6 July 2014

Molten chocolate deliciousness

I happen to like chocolate. No, not like it, more like love it. So the following recipe is for those who are like me and can’t get through weekends without a good chocolate-y dessert.

Molten lava cake. It was a something I was always intrigued by, but I haven’t tried it, because… well, it’s whole point is to be a tad under baked, and I don’t like under baked things. But today I gave in. I made my first ever lava cake.

Sunday 18 May 2014

First Try at Stir-Fry

First of all, excuse me the horrible title. I just had to do that. Now let’s move on.

You see, I know nothing about food photography. So that’s why I started reading a book about it. I want to do it properly. I even bought a tripod for my Canon Powershot SX150 IS, which is... well, not the most professional of cameras. (Although I think it would help if I cooked in daylight, and photographed everything on a white tablecloth. Maybe next time...)

So new photography equipment equals something interesting and new on the plate. Something I’ve never done before. And that’s how I ended up cooking a vegetable stir fry.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Curd cheese return

Hi, everyone! So, after months and months of hiatus I guess it’s time for a new post. I have been away for too long, and it has been a time filled great things, like a birthday, a new translating job, new friends and a newly found passion for food magazines and baking. (Although it’s gotten a bit obsessive – I have way too many kitchenware for the size of our cupboards.)

During these months cooking and baking has taken a back seat, mainly because I didn’t have the time and energy too cook on weekdays. But I’ve certainly tried a couple of recipes, one of which I’m going to share with you now.

This is a family recipe, it doesn’t even have a real name, but I’m sure every family in Hungary has their own version of it. It takes less time to make it than to read through my instructions.