I’ve studied
German for 10 years. That’s a little bit less than half of my life. It seems
such a long time, doesn’t it? And yet, if you try to speak to me in German, I
would ask you to try again in English. Well, thank you very much, Hungarian
education system – there’s nothing better than wasting your time on a language
you’re eventually going to hate and banish from your life altogether (and I won’t
get started on the real baddies: the incompetent teachers).
So today I
was chatting with a middle-aged lady on the train who happened to be of German or Austrian
origin. And she asked with her light accent: why zon’t you speak German? And
when I told her part of the truth, that I haven’t used it in about 6 years, she
said: “Oh, so you make English better for you”. And in a way she was right. I
was thinking about our conversation during the better part of the journey, even
after we said our “Happy New Years” to each other. (Oh, she was lovely. A bit scary,
like a mother dragon, but really nice.) I could
revive my German knowledge, but I doubt I ever will. German is something
that I don’t really like; therefore I’d rather stay away from it.